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Dshaunbirch commented
shit actual legit content!! that stupid ass mask tho no one has a pic of her face at all?
Kakkoii commented
Dunno why people care about face so much, it's not like you're gonna date her lmao. We're here to fap to a hot body.
Dshaunbirch commented
“faceless figure” is a thing women typically get off on i need the total
package otherwise it’s distracting i get why you’re saying but i need the sum of all features to really be into it
Kakkoii commented
I'd say the opposite, women tend to be a lot more focused on faces and emotion than men, as emotion plays a much bigger role in their pleasure. Guys tend to be more focused on imagining themselves fucking the person they see. But to each their own, everyone has their own tastes.
Cuppinsmccake commented
Xir, I’m gonna need you to calm your tits. Black was a descriptor. You didn’t have a problem
With the word “huge” or my assumption it was a dick and not a boy-clit, or whatever the fuck you’re angsty about.
nightwind1111 commented
AntSmith commented
I don't think it's her real voice on the videos. Sounds fake to me, like a text to speech generator.
JoeCool6972 commented
It's muffled from the mask

This some AI sheeit? No mention of the friend 👀
Dshaunbirch commented
she’s a lot more slim than i thought she would be
acredita commented
does anyone know the name of the lady on the right?