YIPPIE! My personal ""Hear me out's", if you please (in no particular order): -The Silent Orchestra (Lobotomy Corporation) -Cancer Cell (Cells at Work) -Porccubus (Lobotomy Corporation) -The Boiled One -Coilhead (Lethal Company) -Colin the Computer (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared) -Dante (Limbus Company) -Adult Maneater (Lethal Company) -Auglur (My Singing Monsters) -얀샋ㄷ요무/Distorted Yan Vismok (Library of Ruina) -Garn47 (Garn47) -The Imposter From Among Us (Among Us) -Der Freischütz (Lobotomy Corporation)
To be fair... My hear me outs are usually astartes... And usually Argel Tal or Phosis T'kar both of who turned into horrifying monsters.... And also child soldiers.
If you think about it, childhood crushes might be the nicest juice of "hear me out" ever. I remember vividly thirsting or having thoughts over like Mushu, Gantu, Zoc, Buzz lightyear and even GODZILLA. I feel uncertain about wich tier would those be put into.
@nahoolux I REQUEST ELABORATION AT LEAST because for ME, Godzilla represents the lack of a good father in my life growing up lmao well he makes up for it i should say. So I can't see being attracted to godzilla in any way shape or form bc he's basically my dad.
@ I um...okay I'm glad you took it that way to yourself pal. Now, the only explanation I can come up with is... I was 7 when I first watched godzilla, and it was the very first creature I've became fascinated with after discovering it was not precisely a "dinossaur" despite its features. Idk guess I was just discovering new things or... New tastes.
Tier 1 is absolutely disappointing. Like I sm sorry, but thirsting for a hot elf twink does not make you a monster fucker. Though Sangheili thirsting does imo.
I find something to be a monster if it has more beast attributes than human attributes, yet still having the major point of humanoid anatomy (and consent of course) Thats just my opinion on what monsters should be fuckable
@@sebastianbronowicki7073 Pretty much, yeah. I wouldn't say I get it, but that at least makes sense to me that people would go for that. He is literally just a big guy. With horns. Physiologically he's basically human.
@@ПётрПаршиков-ц3ж No. Decency is what keeps everything going. Primal urges are to be kept down and liberated only when appropiate or necessary (for example, doing tier 3 and above).
The idea that the Dancer of the Boreal Valley is a harder sell than half the humanoid monsters that came earlier on the list amuses me. Apparently some people just can't appreciate the benefits of a 30-foot tall bellydancer with enough flexibility to maintain solid eye contact with someone standing behind her.
@26th_Primarch Technically not its final form, but most people that don't know the deep lore wouldn't know that. Either way, it's literally all made of corpses, and has the collective knowledge and intelligence of said corpses... having said that, I'm pretty sure it would know EXACTLY what to do if you asked it for certain "favors"
@@26th_Primarch if they knew of the planetary graveminds they would go crazy because of the sheer number of tentacles involved (that and the biological version of the logic plague turning them crazy without any contact being neccessary)
yeahhhh... im going to implore you to make a part two of this. 🤣🤣 This was funny to hear and interesting for an inexplicable reason, Your commentary and constant sudden switching from casual chill DM demeanor to "your a fu***** ***** you little *****" was endlessly funny!
I am not gonna lie, tier 5 was surprisingly tame... I expected something along the lines of godrick the grafted to be around tier 2 maybe low 3 but seeing as tier 5's biggest argument against them is "it will kill you and doesn't really look human" I am starting to believe people aren't as terrible as r34 would have me believe.
Hell to the no, at least for me. Like, a lot of my hear me outs could be in this list, heck, I developed new ones watching it and I get it... but he's so massively uncomfortable creepy and depressing that even with the extra limb and whatever they could, ahem, offer, I can't get over it. His voice (no shade to the actor, did an amazing job, but not in my cup of tea for a hear me out) is so uncomfortable too.
At least the one Kaiju on here is more practical. Don't get dropped by the vast indifference striding over the landscape. Oh and maybe the Bloodborne bosses count?as kaiju?
Fancy seeing you here, but I see your 🤓and raise you yet another because technically she is from Warhammer Fantasy. Though, yeah, the form shown is her AoS one which has ghost titties rather than wooden ones.
When I saw female elites in the "basic" tier I'll admit I was a touch confused before the point was made that they were modded to have big bazongas, which yeah ok I guess it makes sense. Still, not the sangheili model that lit my monsterlover spark. Arbiter my beloved 💜
I honestly can’t understand this list, putting post transform vicar Amelia, deathclaws,(both just anthropomorphic furries) and xenomorphs(literally designed to be sexy in some way) so high up is insane, none of those are a hear me out
For a second there I understood the Arbiter was female and was confused but ready to jump into the bandwagon. Arbiter is a great character but I am strictly into vajayjay.
@@KommanderKratomyou don't think those are hear me outs? Dawg I can get away with telling my dad I want to smash liara, it gets hard to say the same for xenomorph or death claws
@@sinedddmk8996 "Ironic" might not not be the best way to put it, but regardless, the Twins were intentionally designed to have sex appeal, therefore no need to "hear me out", given their straightforward nature.
@@sinedddmk8996 the Twins are basically military-grade robot ballerinas, and in the lore, those ballerinas became very popular in terms of, well... "Intercourse"
I developed new hear me outs watching this from games I didn't know existed. And I also realized I really like the idea of another being that isn't human who can appear and function as one. It's fascinating to think of how they think and process. Talking monsters too. Just a little bit of the illusion of human and real shown intelligence. I can totally get down with that.
Dudes will post 'hear me out' characters that are 7/10 women with horns or something. Women will post 'hear me out' and it's one of the monsters from The Thing.
@@ivansmirnoff6987 This is obviously based on stereotypes, but it has me curious about how it fits with the gender norms of sexual expression. Even today, women are typically encouraged to suppress their sexuality in favor of a “modest” and “pure” image. I’d dare suggest the most culturally normative type of sexual attraction is that of straight men.
@johngr1747 that's fair, mine was definitely the funeral of dead butterflies. I'm sorry, he just dresses well, and the Limbus Company IDs based off of him is UFFEHRHHHHHGGHH!! THEY'RE SO FUCKING GOOD AND HE'S SO GOOD TOO AAAAHHHHH
The most iconic “Hear Me Out” will always be Pyramid Head. Much like Silent Hill itself, your reaction to the Pyramid Head “Hear Me Out” is a manifestation of your deep psychological makeup.
Pyramid Head is kinda buff guy with huge biceps and cool anime bell on top of having cool one-pair of a scissors as weapon. Also he is so based, just killing whoever he wanna, taking no damage. James don't even killed single of them, they just "K, we had enough, let's unalive ourselves".
@@GorilkaCo That’s exactly the thing. No one is a moderate on Pyramid Head. Either you think it’s weird or you think that’s a conventionally attractive guy.
15:42 Also as per the lore (if I'm remembering correctly that is) the Grave Mind knows everything that everyone it consumed knew, so suffice to say it probably knows a few tricks so to speak.
I saw some people thirsting over AM. The giant monolith fueled by it's HATRED for humanity. Like you can not fix the giant angry computer. *HE'S GOING TO BREAK YOU.*
Transformers Prime had both a joke about Jake’s mom finding Optimus hot, and a decepticon who was specifically designed to be hot (his name, fittingly, is Knock Out) and gave starscream stiletto high heels. Idk what my point here is but.. yeah.
Yeah, surprised Khan didn't mention that, they were purposefully made to represent three things: xenophobia (fear of what's alien and unknown), the sensuality of latex and leather over a sexy woman (as was envisioned back then: hourglass figure, thick thighs and waist...) and male-on-male S. Assault (really, go check it out, I'm not making that up)
@jonathanoriley8260 My comment got deleted but basically the head of xenomorph is base on male sexual organ and face hugger is female organ. If you look at a lot of Gigar work and documentaries, you can see how he thinks.
Tyrannids being in Tier 5 is the best. What's funniest to me is that I had Tyrannid figurines next to me while I watched this. EDIT: The Gravemind being the last one in Tier 5 is great. Yes. It is indeed, the Monument to all the sins of _Hear me out._
A cool part about Evolve's Wraith is that it's doing the whole monster shtick to save it's own dimension : The generators used by humanity set off what is essentially nukes in the monsters' birthplace. Not only are you being murderfricked by a spooky bloodthirsty monster, but said monster also a badass ecologist. P.S. : the tyranid you chose is a "Hive Tyrant", basically a mix of a Zerg Overlord and Brood Queen. Thus, you chose a perfectly good depiction.
"That's _colonel_ blender-of-blades to you, maggot!" Get it, 'cuz he's in charge... In charge of maggots. ...seriously the Tyranids's habit to turn at least some of their command nodes into formidable warriors is a _great_ excuse for the 'Rank equals power' thing Warhammer (and most fantasy) has going.
@@JoshSweetvale It does make sense, you want your commanders to be able to defend themselves. Though if I was the hive mind I wouldn’t go so hard on melee, being danger close isn’t the best for survivability
The reason the tryanids pictures were so different is that in lore they end up stealkng the genetic makeup of whom they kill, so eventually tryanids that fight in two seperate planets will start to look different
Now i want to read a fanfic whit Tryanids and Aragamis [the main monters in God Eater] crossed Aragamis are basicly the same exept they are not stopping at Biomass, they WILL eat anything they come into contact with and evolve from it including but not limited to: People, Ammored vehicles, Weapons, Radiation[apparently?], Buildings and If the anime is anything to go by a Fusion generator blowing up
I'm surprised Garrus wasn't on here. He'd probably be on Tier 1, since he's actually romancable in-game & it seems everyone's in love with, but he's basically a humanoid bird covered in chitin with sharp edges!
You're also going to need first aid after you do the dirty with him unless you take some extensive precautions. But the man is just so charming there's no doubt as to how bangable he is. Killer personality.
What’s most interesting to me about Garrus is the kind of attraction he has towards Shepherd. By his own admission, he’s not physically attracted to her. It’s purely her personality that he loves. It’s possible that the same goes for a ton of people who chose to romance him.
14:01 Tyranids huh... Wasn't expecting them. Sweet. 15:02 Hermaeus Mora LETS FUKKIN GOOOOO~~~~! Okay... Yes, eldritch deity of knowledge, sure; but tentacles and a literal infinite library of reading materials. Sign me up.
Hehehe I've been looking forward to this Also Gravemind quotes go hard asf, my favs are "fate had us meet as foes, but this ring will make us brothers" and "there is much talk, and I have listened through rock and metal and time, now I shall talk, and you shall listen"
Revisiting the video that introduced me to your channel. Hoping for more of something like this in future, but your normal content is slowly getting its hooks in me. Subscribed.
I'm shocked that post-transformation Alcina Dimitrescu didn't make the suggestions. Many times I heard people thirsting for her when RE8 came out and reminded them of her monster form, only to hear them respond with "still would."
10:35 funny you should make that "Made in a lab to be a tumblr sexyman" comment, given the titular Lobotomy Corporation is like the SCP Foundation crossed with Aperture Science and the power company and all played for horror. Also God now I want to see you do a LobCorp video. The Terrors would be immense.
A true crime! Where are the combiners? The Thirteen Primes? Quintesson? Even Optimus the safer safest most vanilla option out there! Honestly, I'd put 9 out of10 of then in Tier 1. They're metal humans. I'm not a die hard deep-lore fan, but I know there must be some Cybertronian out there weird enough to be put in 2-3 XD
Once upon a time I thought Markiplier's Pokemon: Smash or Pass was the most entertaining video in the vain of "Would you? Would you really?", but this has taken the lead. (for transparency's sake, the first character i thought of when clicking on this was Kerrigan, so i guess that puts me in tier 2.)
Kleo is also literally the best merchant in the game, she has like 4 times more caps than everyone else, and sells amazing items. Someone at bethesda was very proud of this model lol.
I was initially disappointed to see that my pick of "Female Stim Pilot from Titanfall 2" didn't even make the list, but the inclusion of Assaultrons definitely made up for it. And I will admit, I didn't just visit Kleo an unhealthy amount of times, I unlocked to robot hacking perk just so I could make her a companion. If I recall correctly, as soon as I did this, the entire town of Goodneighbor immediately tried to kill me, including Curie, the companion I was running with at the time... Worth it.
You know what I find interesting. When someone mods a character that's usually not attractive, to have a feminine busty humanoid figure, it makes the character far more appealing to most. From Argonians to Deathclaws, or any number of Pokémon, it seems folks can accept any amalgamation of facial features if the body is "sexy".
Literally the amount of deathclaw r34 ive seen where its legit just a deathclaw with boobs and ass is wild. Like you cant say you think deathclaws are hot if you need to add boobs
Well glad to see that I'm not alone in regards to being unique with tastes, considering the first character that popped into my head was Lady Dimitrescu's true form. Followed by a series of other creatures that become so far detached from the human form due to either monstrous size, or added limbs that I'm beginning to understand why everyone goes silent during these discussions in my usual groups. 10/10 video however.
The name for this is teratophilia (though it is also referred to a xenophilia quite often). And fun fact, i can't find the paper that said it, but even from personal anecdotal experience i can say it seems to be vastly more common among neurodivergent peoples (and the socially alienated in general)
I can't speak for it myself anecdotally, (From the ND perspective)* but I do enjoy things that either boggle the mind, or I know from a logical standpoint would absolutely be a terrible idea. However there is just something in my brain that goes: "Would" Only to ponder how that would work. Tis a fun thought exercise/fantasy at times.
My good man(?), "dragon" is the first objective in any monsterf..lover's bingo. Plus us who are already into Dimitrescu for the "I wanna conquer giant lady with my bedroom skills" just get a bigger prize to hunt ;]
@@enriquejoseantequerasanche6180 Well since I'm here anyway... -The Thing -Bloaters from TLoU -Filbur from Oddity Compendium (Largely due to the cognitohazard elements) -S.H.O.D.A.N. -The Many -Abathur -Izsha -Pandemonius -The Ceph -Alex Mercer (Post realization of it's reality ofc) -Solitaires from 40k -Tyranids (Lictor specifically.) -Dragons -Driders -Naga -Anything that could be considered to require conceptualization/can make you conceptualize things. (Think Lovecraft, tentacles optional. It's the part where it's making me ponder anything from existentialism to just having a level of menace of being so far above me. Examples include: Death from Supernatural as represented by Julian Richings, The Flesh that Hates, The King in Yellow, Reapers from Mass Effect, The Pale from Disco Elysium... (Actually pretty much all the traits in Disco Elysium for that matter.) Protagonist from Prey, Etc.
I didn't get the Gravemind when I first saw it. Then it told me it was a monument to all of my sins in that voice and suddenly I have become a cinder block.
Here's my genuinely insane and unhinged "Hear me out" character: the Rachni queen from Mass Effect. The rachni need to repopulate the galaxy, and by the gods I'll be the one to help her do it.
@voxistaken surprisingly no, I'm not much of a voice person bar a few exceptions (Roodaka from Bionicle my beloved) I just want to know what that oviposter do
10:30 isn't there a character in Balders Gate 3 where you save them from a mindflayer and afterward they more or less go 'You saved me and all but GOD DAMN, what do those tentacles do' and like every option you have to respond is either 'they will kill you' or 'Uh? really?'
Xenomorphs from Alien belong to Tier 3, because Giger intentionally designed them erotic. Just look at his art, creatures from there are maybe even tier 2. Meanwhile, Tyranids from WH40K canonically can... eeeeh. Infect you with their genome, let's put it in that way, there's a whole faction of Genestealers being born out of that.
I tried to have people share "hear me outs" on a discord server I'm in but they argued that attraction to any character that wasn’t human was unredeemably immoral :(
So at first I thought this was people submitting their OCs or RPG characters "Hear me out he's a halfling raised by orcs" or the classic "He's a human who considers himself a dwarf". So this really took a turn for me =D
Fun fact about Mermaes Mora from The Elder Scrolls. We know he hoards knowledge and copies of all books past, present, and future and such he has so much smutty books from Nirn (the planet) that he literally uses all the smutty books as support beams for his realm in Oblivion (the realm the daedra live in).
What do my picks for each tier say about me? Tier 1: The outsider from the Dishonored games Tier 2: V1 from Ultrakill Tier 3: Our Lady of the charred Visage from Blasphemous Tier 4: A Phantom from Prey 2017 Tier 5: A false Hydra from DnD
THANK YOU!! i was half expecting to see tier 5 just full of bloodborne bosses and i wasn't disappointed by Moon Presence because yeah. i see it. Was kind of expecting to see Ebrietas Daughter of the Cosmos tho...
I kept waiting for the Sphinx from Dragons Dogma 2. The ways she strikes genuine terror with that smile/head tilt thing, but also gently praises you for correct answers. Goodness gracious golly gee
I mean it would be super hypocritical of me considering my own that I just posted. This is a safe place, we listen and we don't judge 🙏 (Unless it's people who think they can safely suggest "The Little Sisters" and not get shoved into an electric chair, those I do judge)
Y'all are offering so many more suggestions that I will eventually do another. Eventually.
Ah the joys of touching anything near humanity's rule 34.....endless options for utter filth
We would love to see part 2.
My personal ""Hear me out's", if you please (in no particular order):
-The Silent Orchestra (Lobotomy Corporation)
-Cancer Cell (Cells at Work)
-Porccubus (Lobotomy Corporation)
-The Boiled One
-Coilhead (Lethal Company)
-Colin the Computer (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
-Dante (Limbus Company)
-Adult Maneater (Lethal Company)
-Auglur (My Singing Monsters)
-얀샋ㄷ요무/Distorted Yan Vismok (Library of Ruina)
-Garn47 (Garn47)
-The Imposter From Among Us (Among Us)
-Der Freischütz (Lobotomy Corporation)
@@polaknasieci1331 No judgement, I'm just letting you know that reading "The Boiled One" in this context gave me a visceral reaction, well done 😭😭
People will say "hear me out" then post the most conventionally attractive characters in the galaxy.
Admittedly I am also guilty of this becasue my hear me out is Nexus Prince Shaffar from WoW:TBC
To be fair... My hear me outs are usually astartes... And usually Argel Tal or Phosis T'kar both of who turned into horrifying monsters.... And also child soldiers.
Half of us don't know what we're doing. But we're tryin :/
My friend once tried to "hear me out" with the Queen of Blades 🤣 like bro ... That's just a hot chick with chitin armour.
@@Godaronful Ok hear me out, liara.
So many of these can be described as, "No, you don't want this character, you want what R34 artists have made of this character."
You underestimate the kinds of people out there on the internet.
Real 💀
I know! I get excited when someone says they would fuck a Deathclaw, and then they show me a Deathclaw with big tits :/
And i Tell them YES
Not enough R34.
If you think about it, childhood crushes might be the nicest juice of "hear me out" ever. I remember vividly thirsting or having thoughts over like Mushu, Gantu, Zoc, Buzz lightyear and even GODZILLA. I feel uncertain about wich tier would those be put into.
because for ME, Godzilla represents the lack of a good father in my life growing up lmao well he makes up for it i should say. So I can't see being attracted to godzilla in any way shape or form bc he's basically my dad.
@ I um...okay I'm glad you took it that way to yourself pal. Now, the only explanation I can come up with is...
I was 7 when I first watched godzilla, and it was the very first creature I've became fascinated with after discovering it was not precisely a "dinossaur" despite its features. Idk guess I was just discovering new things or... New tastes.
@@Jormyyy even official designers thirsted over godzilla at some point with that scrapped design
Tier 1 is absolutely disappointing. Like I sm sorry, but thirsting for a hot elf twink does not make you a monster fucker. Though Sangheili thirsting does imo.
yes, that is the point of Tier 1 :)
Wanting to fuck a literal devil and murderous robots is a bit questionable, no matter how attractive they are.
wanting to bang a literal devil and murderous robots is definitely questionable, no matter how hot they are.
eeeehhhhhh debatable? Like, don't get me wrong it's not the same kind as... the rest, but like it is technically monster fucking as it's a non human.
I find something to be a monster if it has more beast attributes than human attributes, yet still having the major point of humanoid anatomy (and consent of course)
Thats just my opinion on what monsters should be fuckable
I genuinely laughed out loud when you brought up Iron Bull.
He's literally just a big dude with horns.
No kidding, guy's just a (literally) horny himbo that's secretly smart.
Pretty much, yeah.
I wouldn't say I get it, but that at least makes sense to me that people would go for that. He is literally just a big guy. With horns. Physiologically he's basically human.
No no you mean handlebars
Bloodborne be creating the scariest, most abnormal eldritch horrors, then making the doll.
There is one more tier I believe has been left forgotten, or purposely neglected.
It’s the “Go to prison” tier.
Thats the tier i would HOPE would be left out, because some peoples "hear me out" is just a sex crime
Jesus Christ
*coughcough anything FNAF*
@@yeedog6145 13:11
1 right before that being “moral gray area” still should go to jail just to be safe
Please don't let there be a Vaporeon, please don't let there be a Vaporeon, please don't let there be a Vaporeon.
EDIT: Im proud of you guys.
Vaporeon probably doesn’t count as hear me out
@@anotherbacklog I hope so. My trust in human decency is but a thin veil.
@@ThePandoraGuy Decency is a social construct. Reject modernity, embrace you primal urges
@@ПётрПаршиков-ц3ж No. Decency is what keeps everything going. Primal urges are to be kept down and liberated only when appropiate or necessary (for example, doing tier 3 and above).
@@ПётрПаршиков-ц3ж "Embrace your primal urges" is how you end up broke and behind bars.
Assaultrons are so tame they're just essentially a highly lethal sxbot which are already nearly a thing kinda
If you'd do the Assaultrons, you'd do Fisto from New Vegas.
Assume position!
The idea that the Dancer of the Boreal Valley is a harder sell than half the humanoid monsters that came earlier on the list amuses me. Apparently some people just can't appreciate the benefits of a 30-foot tall bellydancer with enough flexibility to maintain solid eye contact with someone standing behind her.
Mentioning standing behind her, thats a dump truck.
It’s cause she’s a sludge covered skeleton under that armor, and said armor has become her new skin
@@St_Hydra-k6g I mean we are already kind of flesh covered skeletons so its close enough
@@arbikiuszelemelek3347 yeah, but not corpse sludge covered skeletons. Trust me, that shit stinks bad
@a1z158, and that still wouldn't stop some people...
10:05 “Glados from Portal 2… when she’s a potato” made me choke on my own spit
... also my one
@@TobyPieterseyou would fuck a potato if it degraded you???
I let out the most visceral “what the fuck”.
At first I was like "eww degradation kink" but she's a woman? FUCK YEAH DEGRADATION KINK(I might be a hypocrite)
after the "short angry woman" thing I understood it. Just hear me out.
Okay but the xenomorph queen is a Baddie 😩
Vicar Amelia is also a baddie
Our queen?
Bet that second mouth goes hard
So the winner was the final boss of necrophilia? Understandable.
Wouldn't that technically be a Brethren Moon from Dead Space since the Gravemind from Halo 2 isn't even the final form of the Flood?
The night mother.
@26th_Primarch Technically not its final form, but most people that don't know the deep lore wouldn't know that. Either way, it's literally all made of corpses, and has the collective knowledge and intelligence of said corpses... having said that, I'm pretty sure it would know EXACTLY what to do if you asked it for certain "favors"
@@26th_Primarch if they knew of the planetary graveminds they would go crazy because of the sheer number of tentacles involved (that and the biological version of the logic plague turning them crazy without any contact being neccessary)
You know someone would.
You know they exist.
The “hear me out” meme is just teratophillia hitting the mainstream
The further along you get it does start to just turn into straight up monsterfucking lol
wait this had a name this whole time
Ngl a favorite tag of mine
The fukk is a teratophile?
Wait….. there is a actual name for monster girls?
@@ricecooker7037 watch your back
yeahhhh... im going to implore you to make a part two of this. 🤣🤣
This was funny to hear and interesting for an inexplicable reason, Your commentary and constant sudden switching from casual chill DM demeanor to "your a fu***** ***** you little *****" was endlessly funny!
I think the real question here is why designers feel the need to add conventionally sexy features to monsters.
I think there’s a pretty straightforward answer to be found.
Evil is a seductive force, that’s why it’s so charged
Easy, person see big booba or big banana and they click
Imo, humans like comprehending shit. And the easiest way for us to start comprehension of another entity is physical appeal.
I'm not complaining...
" chased down and railed by feral werewolf". So my headpgones just died and that got played out loud at work. Fing pricless lmao
If you’re headphones don’t automatically pause the vid when they die honestly that was divine intervention
Headphones really just said F you 🤣
FBI: don’t lie we’ve seen your browser history
Oh no
I am not gonna lie, tier 5 was surprisingly tame... I expected something along the lines of godrick the grafted to be around tier 2 maybe low 3 but seeing as tier 5's biggest argument against them is "it will kill you and doesn't really look human" I am starting to believe people aren't as terrible as r34 would have me believe.
Hell to the no, at least for me. Like, a lot of my hear me outs could be in this list, heck, I developed new ones watching it and I get it... but he's so massively uncomfortable creepy and depressing that even with the extra limb and whatever they could, ahem, offer, I can't get over it. His voice (no shade to the actor, did an amazing job, but not in my cup of tea for a hear me out) is so uncomfortable too.
Godzilla is absent from here and so is optimus prime
shoulda suggested it when the call was put out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
At least the one Kaiju on here is more practical. Don't get dropped by the vast indifference striding over the landscape.
Oh and maybe the Bloodborne bosses count?as kaiju?
As the guy who submitted Biollante, I'm just happy she made Tier 5.
I'd put 'em in tiers 4 & 2 respectively.
Godzilla is just beastiality at that point
12:05 Not to be "that guy" but Drycha is from Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, not 40K. Aside from that, this video made me laugh so good job ^^
Fancy seeing you here, but I see your 🤓and raise you yet another because technically she is from Warhammer Fantasy. Though, yeah, the form shown is her AoS one which has ghost titties rather than wooden ones.
@@40KTheories 🤣🤣🤣 im such a nerd I thought the same thing.
But Drycha is just 😏😏😏
She’s also from WFB (yes I am that pedantic, shhh…)
Sorry, I'm really not familiar with all the different eras but thank you for the correction 😅😅
@@40KTheories was exactly about to say that too 🧐
I am shocked that there wasn’t a single killer from dbd or villain from Outlast in any of these tiers. Thank god for that
When I saw female elites in the "basic" tier I'll admit I was a touch confused before the point was made that they were modded to have big bazongas, which yeah ok I guess it makes sense. Still, not the sangheili model that lit my monsterlover spark. Arbiter my beloved 💜
Mhmm!! The Arbiter the most handsome man in the galaxy, and nobody can convince me otherwise!
Keith David has a gorgeous voice.
I honestly can’t understand this list, putting post transform vicar Amelia, deathclaws,(both just anthropomorphic furries) and xenomorphs(literally designed to be sexy in some way) so high up is insane, none of those are a hear me out
For a second there I understood the Arbiter was female and was confused but ready to jump into the bandwagon. Arbiter is a great character but I am strictly into vajayjay.
@@KommanderKratomyou don't think those are hear me outs? Dawg I can get away with telling my dad I want to smash liara, it gets hard to say the same for xenomorph or death claws
It's SO ironic when people do "hear me out" on Twins from Atomic Heart
I think it is because they are robots
Or the meme.
@@m.i.g.2023 Could you please tell why it would be ironic? I sm not familiar with the work, but I am intreiged.
@@sinedddmk8996 "Ironic" might not not be the best way to put it, but regardless, the Twins were intentionally designed to have sex appeal, therefore no need to "hear me out", given their straightforward nature.
@@sinedddmk8996 the Twins are basically military-grade robot ballerinas, and in the lore, those ballerinas became very popular in terms of, well... "Intercourse"
particularly when there from the same game as a literal flirtatious fridge
I developed new hear me outs watching this from games I didn't know existed.
And I also realized I really like the idea of another being that isn't human who can appear and function as one. It's fascinating to think of how they think and process. Talking monsters too. Just a little bit of the illusion of human and real shown intelligence. I can totally get down with that.
Dudes will post 'hear me out' characters that are 7/10 women with horns or something.
Women will post 'hear me out' and it's one of the monsters from The Thing.
@@ivansmirnoff6987 This is obviously based on stereotypes, but it has me curious about how it fits with the gender norms of sexual expression.
Even today, women are typically encouraged to suppress their sexuality in favor of a “modest” and “pure” image.
I’d dare suggest the most culturally normative type of sexual attraction is that of straight men.
@@Zeeboq look man ive seen what women on reddit are like… the commenter is 100% right
@@dietmilkk I wasn’t trying to debunk anything
@@dietmilkkI mean in my personal experience men and women are equally horny for the bizarre and profane.
Clearly around the wrong dudes
The differing layers really gives me "how fake 'monster fuckers' when real monster fuckers come at them" vibes LMAO, especially 1 vs stuff like 3 - 4
This is how I felt lol
Most if not all of my HMOs are tier 1
@johngr1747 that's fair, mine was definitely the funeral of dead butterflies.
I'm sorry, he just dresses well, and the Limbus Company IDs based off of him is UFFEHRHHHHHGGHH!!
8:34 "Give one a sexy voice and you've got a Mass Effect romance."
I mean, Arbiter is voiced by Keith David, so.....
Bro I saw the chicken pop up at 2:04 and thought “this boutta get interesting huh”
@@Squeb Peace was never an option
Peace was never an option
@@lorddumb21 Peace was never an option
@@Abe-1201 Peace was never an option
@@HorrorEnthusiast-g1e Peace was never an option
The most iconic “Hear Me Out” will always be Pyramid Head.
Much like Silent Hill itself, your reaction to the Pyramid Head “Hear Me Out” is a manifestation of your deep psychological makeup.
Pyramid Head is kinda buff guy with huge biceps and cool anime bell on top of having cool one-pair of a scissors as weapon. Also he is so based, just killing whoever he wanna, taking no damage. James don't even killed single of them, they just "K, we had enough, let's unalive ourselves".
@@GorilkaCo That’s exactly the thing. No one is a moderate on Pyramid Head. Either you think it’s weird or you think that’s a conventionally attractive guy.
As someone who doesn’t know the silent hill lore. Pyramids head looks cool
@@firetarrasque4667 Typical he’s based off your fears, like anger, lust, and masochism transformed into a living form…
If that’s what the silent hill lore goes…
15:42 Also as per the lore (if I'm remembering correctly that is) the Grave Mind knows everything that everyone it consumed knew, so suffice to say it probably knows a few tricks so to speak.
I saw some people thirsting over AM.
The giant monolith fueled by it's HATRED for humanity. Like you can not fix the giant angry computer. *HE'S GOING TO BREAK YOU.*
@@0uttaS1TE Do you want AM inside your head? Do you know what he did to THE FIVE HUMANS?
@@zcgamerandreacts2762 I'm built different.
He's going to break me, you say? 😏
@@zcgamerandreacts2762 you underestimate the depravity of humanity.
Who said Tyranid?
Please report to the inquisition for... Evaluation.
Evaluation via indiscriminate flamer usage...
It would not surprise me if most of them chose the lictor
@@greener7580 Either Lictors, Hive Lords, or Genestealers.
a member of the cult of the four armed emperor no doubt
There are some...interesting art of certain tyranid xenotypes evolving to have...alternate methods to harvest biomass...
I've never seen one of your videos until now and I gotta say you are funny as hell. Keep up the good work!
People of XCOM nodding in the distance, thinking about Vipers...
Please do not ever call me out like ever again.
Worry more about those who are into chryssalids.
Snitties tho....
fun fact: viper str*p clubs are "canon" (chimera squad lore)
@@Gmann2021 FR????
My mom used to have a crush on Optimus Prime as a kid. That might be a good "hear me out."
Looks don't matter when the personality is flawless. Also the voice.
@@reidcunningham5906 Tbh, this is probably closer to a tier 2
@reidcunningham5906 its on my hear me out list too
Transformers Prime had both a joke about Jake’s mom finding Optimus hot, and a decepticon who was specifically designed to be hot (his name, fittingly, is Knock Out) and gave starscream stiletto high heels. Idk what my point here is but.. yeah.
Makes sense. Optimus is a DILF
Mind Flayers are on the list
Me (with the Mind Blown achievement): *grabs the Emperors tentacles* Nothing happened!
"Hnnnnnngggg!" ( Has the Mind Blown Achievement proudly displayed for all to see.)
I do enjoy having my cup of morning coffee and watching the interesting ideas of people have for getting railed in unimaginable ways.
Hey, some of us want to be the railer, let's keep the equality of opportunity here, mm'kay?
I mean, considering that Giger created the xenomorphs, it becomes less wierd that people find them attractive.
It's genuinely baked in, man.
I mean it's literally a penis for head and vegina for face hugger soooo.
Yeah, surprised Khan didn't mention that, they were purposefully made to represent three things: xenophobia (fear of what's alien and unknown), the sensuality of latex and leather over a sexy woman (as was envisioned back then: hourglass figure, thick thighs and waist...) and male-on-male S. Assault (really, go check it out, I'm not making that up)
Genuine curiosity: What about the Xenomorph being made by Giger specifically allows it to make sense?
@jonathanoriley8260 My comment got deleted but basically the head of xenomorph is base on male sexual organ and face hugger is female organ. If you look at a lot of Gigar work and documentaries, you can see how he thinks.
Tyrannids being in Tier 5 is the best. What's funniest to me is that I had Tyrannid figurines next to me while I watched this.
EDIT: The Gravemind being the last one in Tier 5 is great. Yes. It is indeed, the Monument to all the sins of _Hear me out._
A cool part about Evolve's Wraith is that it's doing the whole monster shtick to save it's own dimension : The generators used by humanity set off what is essentially nukes in the monsters' birthplace.
Not only are you being murderfricked by a spooky bloodthirsty monster, but said monster also a badass ecologist.
P.S. : the tyranid you chose is a "Hive Tyrant", basically a mix of a Zerg Overlord and Brood Queen. Thus, you chose a perfectly good depiction.
"That's _colonel_ blender-of-blades to you, maggot!"
Get it, 'cuz he's in charge...
In charge of maggots.
...seriously the Tyranids's habit to turn at least some of their command nodes into formidable warriors is a _great_ excuse for the 'Rank equals power' thing Warhammer (and most fantasy) has going.
It does make sense, you want your commanders to be able to defend themselves.
Though if I was the hive mind I wouldn’t go so hard on melee, being danger close isn’t the best for survivability
Ngl hearing that it’s basically an ecologist instantly increased its attractiveness by like 50%
@@Alexander59059 I suppose that the principle is “if a threat has made it that close then the time for deterrence has passed”
@@Alexander59059 They do have a variety of different weapons, some with mini guns on steroids and others with acidic tank busters.
Tier 1: In words of my favorite black Archmage. "YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A COWARD IN THE FACADE OF A REVOLUTIONARY."
Hear me out: the number jacks after numbers 20
The reason the tryanids pictures were so different is that in lore they end up stealkng the genetic makeup of whom they kill, so eventually tryanids that fight in two seperate planets will start to look different
Now i want to read a fanfic whit Tryanids and Aragamis [the main monters in God Eater] crossed
Aragamis are basicly the same exept they are not stopping at Biomass, they WILL eat anything they come into contact with and evolve from it including but not limited to: People, Ammored vehicles, Weapons, Radiation[apparently?], Buildings and If the anime is anything to go by a Fusion generator blowing up
How the hell did the nurses make it on here but Pyramid Head didn’t?
@@jdsmith8282 that's what i said lmao
I honestly was surprised there weren’t other horror movie characters 😂
@@jdsmith8282Some people aren't brave enough, but I am 🥴
@@HorrorEnthusiast-g1e how as there no samara???
Pyramid head is just a dude with a pyramid on his head.
NEVER am I going to click a "hear me out" video in my recommended feed ever again after this one
I'm surprised Garrus wasn't on here. He'd probably be on Tier 1, since he's actually romancable in-game & it seems everyone's in love with, but he's basically a humanoid bird covered in chitin with sharp edges!
You're also going to need first aid after you do the dirty with him unless you take some extensive precautions. But the man is just so charming there's no doubt as to how bangable he is. Killer personality.
With opposite-chiralty biochemistry, which you're advised to not "ingest" :P
I am very disappointed by the lack of Turians
What’s most interesting to me about Garrus is the kind of attraction he has towards Shepherd. By his own admission, he’s not physically attracted to her. It’s purely her personality that he loves.
It’s possible that the same goes for a ton of people who chose to romance him.
@@animeotaku307 Garrus as demisexual romance?
If your Hear Me Out is BT-7274 from Titanfall 2 then you NEED to watch the anime Brave Bang Bravern. It has *EXACTLY* what you need
I will check it out.
Ah yes. The gay bot. Pretty funny and there's unexpected twist there.
I'm surprised that it was BT and NONE of the transformers were on the list lol.
@@26th_Primarch 💎they are not here me outs, who doesn’t want to be loved by Optimus Prime💎
Bumblebee is the reason I have a golden shower kink
14:01 Tyranids
huh... Wasn't expecting them. Sweet.
15:02 Hermaeus Mora
LETS FUKKIN GOOOOO~~~~! Okay... Yes, eldritch deity of knowledge, sure; but tentacles and a literal infinite library of reading materials. Sign me up.
The free access to his library won me over more than anything. The fact that he's a pool of tentacled darkness with deep booming voice doesn't hurt.
Hehehe I've been looking forward to this
Also Gravemind quotes go hard asf, my favs are "fate had us meet as foes, but this ring will make us brothers" and "there is much talk, and I have listened through rock and metal and time, now I shall talk, and you shall listen"
I mean
in this context "I am a monument to all of your sins" also goes hard
In the words of PancreasNoWork
I bet the gravemind gives some wild head
“This one is machine and nerve, and has its mind concluded.
This one is but flesh and faith, and is the more deluded.”
"Silence fills the empty grave, now that I am gone, but my mind is not at rest, for questions linger on... I will ask, and you will answer."
@@smoothtrooper781 child of my enemy, why have you come? I offer no forgiveness, a fathers sins, passed to his sons
Khanlusa: How often did you visit Kleo?
Me: More than I thought, and even more than you think.
Revisiting the video that introduced me to your channel. Hoping for more of something like this in future, but your normal content is slowly getting its hooks in me. Subscribed.
I'm shocked that post-transformation Alcina Dimitrescu didn't make the suggestions. Many times I heard people thirsting for her when RE8 came out and reminded them of her monster form, only to hear them respond with "still would."
@@herbderbler1585 Dimitrescu is like a tier 0 in her base form lmao, it’d be too obvious
The best waifu in BloodBorne is Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos, I won't elaborate.
Coward! Every brave soul knows that is Rom the Vacuous Spider!
Nah, Mergo's Wet Nurse. She's got multiple hands 😎
No no. You're right.
Pfft... they don't even know about The Wet-nurse. All those hands....
When I hear that name, all I can think of is Danny from Game Grumps violently shaking around the nearly headless 5 pound gummi bear like a flail.
12:53 xenomorph are peak.
A xenomorph is an animal.
Peak at getting sent out the air dock.
PLEASE! (please) do this again
Water: Drunk✅
Medication: Taken✅
Opinions: Validated✅
I don't interact much with people online so this is really affirming lol
10:35 funny you should make that "Made in a lab to be a tumblr sexyman" comment, given the titular Lobotomy Corporation is like the SCP Foundation crossed with Aperture Science and the power company and all played for horror.
Also God now I want to see you do a LobCorp video.
The Terrors would be immense.
Project moon
Bumping this
I would LOVE to see this.
face the fear, build the brainrot
project moon sleeper agent activation
Not at all the point of the video, but "I am a monument to all your sins" goes even harder when you consider it's a factual statement within the lore.
I am apalled, no, ashamed, that no one suggested any transformer.
The motor cycle rom the one animated series, I might get folded inside out if she transforms mid session but can you blame me
A true crime! Where are the combiners? The Thirteen Primes? Quintesson? Even Optimus the safer safest most vanilla option out there!
Honestly, I'd put 9 out of10 of then in Tier 1. They're metal humans.
I'm not a die hard deep-lore fan, but I know there must be some Cybertronian out there weird enough to be put in 2-3 XD
Hi! Transformer fan here. I would nominate either the Dreads from Dark of the Moon or Dragonstorm from The Last Knight :D
@@dan_theorcheheeh1729 Fred Perry
Fr. Starscream's a bad bitch.
"The Ghost" coming on for Tier 5 was gold.
The entire list was amazing to hear with your commentary. Blessings to you, dear lady.
To... hear him out?
I can totally understand the obsession with Mora, I've been waiting for a mod I could marry it with until now.
"I just want a woman that will actually just kill me"
Seriously, anyone who chooses these types of characters is either mentally unwell or just wants the R34'd version, not the plain vanilla character.
Once upon a time I thought Markiplier's Pokemon: Smash or Pass was the most entertaining video in the vain of "Would you? Would you really?", but this has taken the lead. (for transparency's sake, the first character i thought of when clicking on this was Kerrigan, so i guess that puts me in tier 2.)
Hear me out, Rexy from jurassic world
Hear me out, the Boiled one
Kleo is also literally the best merchant in the game, she has like 4 times more caps than everyone else, and sells amazing items. Someone at bethesda was very proud of this model lol.
The lack of springtrap disturbs me.
He is such a bad bitch tho
I know right, GOD I'm so disappointed.
Now THIS is a hear me out.
GOD those rotting maggot filled cheeks are such a turn on
@@collectiveleaki would fuck the shit out of that robot
Bro I thought you guys were gonna be devious level 5 isn’t even bad 😂
I was initially disappointed to see that my pick of "Female Stim Pilot from Titanfall 2" didn't even make the list, but the inclusion of Assaultrons definitely made up for it. And I will admit, I didn't just visit Kleo an unhealthy amount of times, I unlocked to robot hacking perk just so I could make her a companion.
If I recall correctly, as soon as I did this, the entire town of Goodneighbor immediately tried to kill me, including Curie, the companion I was running with at the time...
Worth it.
8:41 I did NOT want to hear this sentence ever spoken by a human. EVER.
👉👈🥺 D,Daddy UwU
Hear me out you the reader because you all deserve love
You know what I find interesting. When someone mods a character that's usually not attractive, to have a feminine busty humanoid figure, it makes the character far more appealing to most. From Argonians to Deathclaws, or any number of Pokémon, it seems folks can accept any amalgamation of facial features if the body is "sexy".
Which is almost always super off-putting to me
Literally the amount of deathclaw r34 ive seen where its legit just a deathclaw with boobs and ass is wild. Like you cant say you think deathclaws are hot if you need to add boobs
It fulfill the primary and secondary attraction drive/wants.
I like how this actually went from "This shouldn't be that high?" via "if you put it that way..." all the way to "Why in the fuck?"
My personal favorite “Hear Me Out” has to be the Fabrication Machine from the movie 9. I don’t know how to elaborate.
8:35 “give one a sexy voice and you’ve got yourself a mass effect romance” I’m dying 😭
I mean… I’m a straight Dude. And even I think that’s a little hot
I will not allow this Garrus slander to slide 😂
Well glad to see that I'm not alone in regards to being unique with tastes, considering the first character that popped into my head was Lady Dimitrescu's true form.
Followed by a series of other creatures that become so far detached from the human form due to either monstrous size, or added limbs that I'm beginning to understand why everyone goes silent during these discussions in my usual groups.
10/10 video however.
The name for this is teratophilia (though it is also referred to a xenophilia quite often). And fun fact, i can't find the paper that said it, but even from personal anecdotal experience i can say it seems to be vastly more common among neurodivergent peoples (and the socially alienated in general)
I can't speak for it myself anecdotally, (From the ND perspective)* but I do enjoy things that either boggle the mind, or I know from a logical standpoint would absolutely be a terrible idea. However there is just something in my brain that goes: "Would" Only to ponder how that would work. Tis a fun thought exercise/fantasy at times.
My good man(?), "dragon" is the first objective in any monsterf..lover's bingo. Plus us who are already into Dimitrescu for the "I wanna conquer giant lady with my bedroom skills" just get a bigger prize to hunt ;]
@@moonjumper6197 That explains a huge lot.
@@enriquejoseantequerasanche6180 Well since I'm here anyway...
-The Thing
-Bloaters from TLoU
-Filbur from Oddity Compendium (Largely due to the cognitohazard elements)
-The Many
-The Ceph
-Alex Mercer (Post realization of it's reality ofc)
-Solitaires from 40k
-Tyranids (Lictor specifically.)
-Anything that could be considered to require conceptualization/can make you conceptualize things. (Think Lovecraft, tentacles optional. It's the part where it's making me ponder anything from existentialism to just having a level of menace of being so far above me. Examples include: Death from Supernatural as represented by Julian Richings, The Flesh that Hates, The King in Yellow, Reapers from Mass Effect, The Pale from Disco Elysium... (Actually pretty much all the traits in Disco Elysium for that matter.) Protagonist from Prey, Etc.
I didn't get the Gravemind when I first saw it.
Then it told me it was a monument to all of my sins in that voice and suddenly I have become a cinder block.
Here's my genuinely insane and unhinged "Hear me out" character: the Rachni queen from Mass Effect.
The rachni need to repopulate the galaxy, and by the gods I'll be the one to help her do it.
After looking her up, I agree that it's insane and unhinged.
All I’m gonna say is that I get it
@@dragonfly9083 HELL YEA
it was the voice wasn’t it?
@voxistaken surprisingly no, I'm not much of a voice person bar a few exceptions (Roodaka from Bionicle my beloved)
I just want to know what that oviposter do
Im noticing that a good portion of the "hear me outs" are usually known to have tentacles, which kinda goes to show the clear cut kinks
10:30 isn't there a character in Balders Gate 3 where you save them from a mindflayer and afterward they more or less go 'You saved me and all but GOD DAMN, what do those tentacles do' and like every option you have to respond is either 'they will kill you' or 'Uh? really?'
Not the notification I thought I would get today lol, Im sure it'll be quite the trip 😂
16:22 há, thanks for reminding me of my medication. I've been forgetting it for the past 2 hours
WE....no I, need this to be a series! Great video!
Xenomorphs from Alien belong to Tier 3, because Giger intentionally designed them erotic. Just look at his art, creatures from there are maybe even tier 2.
Meanwhile, Tyranids from WH40K canonically can... eeeeh. Infect you with their genome, let's put it in that way, there's a whole faction of Genestealers being born out of that.
Riven of a thousand voices still gets me a "Bruh WHAT" when i bring it up. Lemme be a lesbian with a weird dragon yall 😭
6:05 you cant make me talk. You can’t make me talk. YOU CANT MAKE ME TALK
I tried to have people share "hear me outs" on a discord server I'm in but they argued that attraction to any character that wasn’t human was unredeemably immoral :(
Womp womp to them, I would have enjoyed a question like that me personally
Find new people these ones clearly did not understand the assignment
Or just do that thing where you have a second friend group lol
They can’t take curie(both versions) from me!!!!!
I hate people who can't separate fiction from reality. This is just one of many ways that manifests.
So at first I thought this was people submitting their OCs or RPG characters "Hear me out he's a halfling raised by orcs" or the classic "He's a human who considers himself a dwarf". So this really took a turn for me =D
Deathclaws, xenomorphs, BG3 Slayer form, Evolve Wraith, AND Moon Presence? Oh yeah... it's all coming together.
i like more the lore acurate female sangheili from halo...
@@ajjo_art Shout out to all my "On_Model" tag homies, regardless of your freaky pick, you guys are the REAL ones 😏👉
@@ajjo_art Han from The Duel.
@@supersaiyandiclonius3056 no. that not
@@sasaki999pro xD
i can hear cradles in the background
it's driving me crazy and making me happy
Fun fact about Mermaes Mora from The Elder Scrolls. We know he hoards knowledge and copies of all books past, present, and future and such he has so much smutty books from Nirn (the planet) that he literally uses all the smutty books as support beams for his realm in Oblivion (the realm the daedra live in).
What do my picks for each tier say about me?
Tier 1: The outsider from the Dishonored games
Tier 2: V1 from Ultrakill
Tier 3: Our Lady of the charred Visage from Blasphemous
Tier 4: A Phantom from Prey 2017
Tier 5: A false Hydra from DnD
@@minze6982 I’m sorry but A FALSE HYDRA?! HAVE YOU SEEN THE ART OF IT?!
@@KarlDRG the stuff of wet nightmares
How is lady of the six sorrows "hear me out" tier? She's just a big woman. I approve of the last two tiers.
@@anitaremenarova6662 i meant our Lady of the charred Visage, mb. But the lady of the six sorrows could absolutely get it as well
Don’t be rude to the False Hydra.
It comes from the blog Goblin Punch as a system-agnostic monster, not D&D specifically.
THANK YOU!! i was half expecting to see tier 5 just full of bloodborne bosses and i wasn't disappointed by Moon Presence because yeah. i see it. Was kind of expecting to see Ebrietas Daughter of the Cosmos tho...
Portal players be like ”the cake is real” while they look at the robot 🤣🤣
I kept waiting for the Sphinx from Dragons Dogma 2. The ways she strikes genuine terror with that smile/head tilt thing, but also gently praises you for correct answers. Goodness gracious golly gee
I appreciate that this is genuinely not a judgementfest and more of just drawing light hearted empathetic humor out of kink.
I mean it would be super hypocritical of me considering my own that I just posted. This is a safe place, we listen and we don't judge 🙏 (Unless it's people who think they can safely suggest "The Little Sisters" and not get shoved into an electric chair, those I do judge)
I can't unsee the sailor scout gravemind with the blush effect.
Honestly, the hardest Gravemind line isn't even the one in this video. "This is not your Grave. But you are welcome in it." hits way harder for me
Hear me out.
PRAWN suit from Subnautica.
Okay so I feel immensly called out. Like 70 percent of this list hit too close to home.
I even havd two on Tier 5. 💀
We fuck monsters here, sir.