Christmas is such a unique holiday. It comes three days after the shortest, coldest day of the year but for many it is the warmest day any of us have experienced. Christmas is the quintessential representation of family, friends, bonding, and giving. There is a saying: "It is in giving that we receive" and there is no truer statement than that. Truly, where does the joy of Christmas come from? Is it the presents in their shiny wrappings under the trees with the cascading light from the tree above? Is it the house full of people, sharing stories of the past year and the year to come?
Christmas comes from the love of those around you.
Presents and traditions are aspects of Christmas, but it is the love of someone else, the sweet embrace of your lover, the firm hug from your father, the soft peck on your face from your mother and the support of your friends that make Christmas the best holiday in many of our hearts. Christmas is a time to be with someone, even just one person, and sharing something more than either of you have to make it such a memorable, incredible day.
But what does someone do when they have no one?
A solitary life is a lonely one. While a bear has a wonderful bit of land, woods and trees to scratch upon, but no one else to share it with. His friends had moved on since he was a cub and he'd never heard from them since. The holidays were always a terribly lonely time for the bear. How could Christmas be more than just a day when you have nothing but the rocks and trees to spend it with? He hated Christmas for years.
That was until he met his pup.
When he saw the pup, limping into the woods one snowy day, his heart opened up for the first time. The pup's human owners, having got a new pup for Christmas, thought the poor beast could survive in the wild woods all alone. When the pup had crossed the rocky path from the roads to the woods he'd slipped and broke his fore-paw. Sheer will moved him along to get to the trees where the snow wasn't falling. He was abandoned. Some Christmas this would be.
It was hard at first. When the bear approached the pup, the pup was naturally scared. Injured and hurt the pup tried to hobble away fruitlessly as the bear stopped him with a gentle paw. He explained there was nothing to fear, he was not on the menu, and asked what happened. When the bear heard the pup's story, he just frowned and got up from the cold ground to get the items needed to set that paw. It took some work, bear paws being entirely clumsy instruments, but with some help from the brave pup, the determined bear had set the paw. From that moment on they were inseparable as friends.
When Christmas came around, the bear had searched high and low through the woods for a gift. What could he give the pup who had entered not only his life, but his heart? Finally, when the sun was setting the bear saw it. A stick with a bit of mistletoe clinging to it like a beautiful decoration. Carrying back to the healing pup. When he put it down in front of his friend the bear looked hopeful. The pup returned the hopeful smile with a grateful one and licked the bears nose. The gift was great. The bear, happy and content he had someone to love and spend Christmas with, laid with his injured puppy to keep him warm and safe during the coldest, and warmest, day of the year.
It may not look like much... But this is the happiest of Christmases we've ever had.
Quick passage written by
tiberiusrings <3 Thanks a ton for the short-notice help on this belated Christmas picture.
It was a little idea I had a couple months back, but only now had the time to do it, during my vacation, right before FC.... Not the most detailed piece, but it was meant to be a quick little thing to begin with.
Hope you all had a good new years and a good holiday. :) You're all wonderful.
This picture went through VARIOUS stages in my head. I wanted to dedicate it to
kgraleopard, and their wonderful Rama.... I REALLY hope it's not too soon for me to do something like this.
Christmas comes from the love of those around you.
Presents and traditions are aspects of Christmas, but it is the love of someone else, the sweet embrace of your lover, the firm hug from your father, the soft peck on your face from your mother and the support of your friends that make Christmas the best holiday in many of our hearts. Christmas is a time to be with someone, even just one person, and sharing something more than either of you have to make it such a memorable, incredible day.
But what does someone do when they have no one?
A solitary life is a lonely one. While a bear has a wonderful bit of land, woods and trees to scratch upon, but no one else to share it with. His friends had moved on since he was a cub and he'd never heard from them since. The holidays were always a terribly lonely time for the bear. How could Christmas be more than just a day when you have nothing but the rocks and trees to spend it with? He hated Christmas for years.
That was until he met his pup.
When he saw the pup, limping into the woods one snowy day, his heart opened up for the first time. The pup's human owners, having got a new pup for Christmas, thought the poor beast could survive in the wild woods all alone. When the pup had crossed the rocky path from the roads to the woods he'd slipped and broke his fore-paw. Sheer will moved him along to get to the trees where the snow wasn't falling. He was abandoned. Some Christmas this would be.
It was hard at first. When the bear approached the pup, the pup was naturally scared. Injured and hurt the pup tried to hobble away fruitlessly as the bear stopped him with a gentle paw. He explained there was nothing to fear, he was not on the menu, and asked what happened. When the bear heard the pup's story, he just frowned and got up from the cold ground to get the items needed to set that paw. It took some work, bear paws being entirely clumsy instruments, but with some help from the brave pup, the determined bear had set the paw. From that moment on they were inseparable as friends.
When Christmas came around, the bear had searched high and low through the woods for a gift. What could he give the pup who had entered not only his life, but his heart? Finally, when the sun was setting the bear saw it. A stick with a bit of mistletoe clinging to it like a beautiful decoration. Carrying back to the healing pup. When he put it down in front of his friend the bear looked hopeful. The pup returned the hopeful smile with a grateful one and licked the bears nose. The gift was great. The bear, happy and content he had someone to love and spend Christmas with, laid with his injured puppy to keep him warm and safe during the coldest, and warmest, day of the year.
It may not look like much... But this is the happiest of Christmases we've ever had.
Quick passage written by

It was a little idea I had a couple months back, but only now had the time to do it, during my vacation, right before FC.... Not the most detailed piece, but it was meant to be a quick little thing to begin with.
Hope you all had a good new years and a good holiday. :) You're all wonderful.
This picture went through VARIOUS stages in my head. I wanted to dedicate it to

Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Male
Size 1180 x 912px
File Size 493.9 kB
It actually WAS gonna be on time... but I figured I'd work on a sudden piece of gift-art for someone you know ;) And it was the season of giving... so it was only natural to put aside my own thing for someone elses happiness. :)
*snugs tight* Thanks a lot, I'm glad you like it! your reaction was <3
*snugs tight* Thanks a lot, I'm glad you like it! your reaction was <3
I promise you, I don't need one specific day to be a mushy loving sap to those I care about. I do that all-year-around. I think most people who know me can verify that much about me.
I just love Christmas because it feels like it emphasizes that mood and feel, with the help of the cold weather, past memories, music, foods, etc... all those things work together for a "cozy" and bringing-together feel. :)
I just love Christmas because it feels like it emphasizes that mood and feel, with the help of the cold weather, past memories, music, foods, etc... all those things work together for a "cozy" and bringing-together feel. :)
Ack, I'm late to the party. Thanks for telling me you were posting this so I could get in an early reply! :P
Not that I need to tell you how awesome it is, since you've been talking about it for months now. However, TIBBY! Such an amazing passage to go with the picture! Your ability to write continues to astound me equally as much as Keto's ability to draw anything he puts his heart to.
Not that I need to tell you how awesome it is, since you've been talking about it for months now. However, TIBBY! Such an amazing passage to go with the picture! Your ability to write continues to astound me equally as much as Keto's ability to draw anything he puts his heart to.
You were busy on the computer, and I didn't think you'd care much anyway, since you've pretty much seen the progression AND finished version of the picture before anybody else. ;p Tibby was talking to me AS I was posting it though, so it was easy for him to get first post. ;3 But I'll remember to tell you next time I post something. :)
Thanks a lot though! You definitely had a lot of nice things to say before I even started sketching it, and you know I always appreciate it. :) Tibby really pleased me as well with his passage especially since I agree with EVERYTHING he wrote. :)
Thanks a lot though! You definitely had a lot of nice things to say before I even started sketching it, and you know I always appreciate it. :) Tibby really pleased me as well with his passage especially since I agree with EVERYTHING he wrote. :)
Keto, first things first, NO it's is not too soon to express this especially for Belic and Princess. I know cause...well...there's a painting of Rama I did at Belic's the weekend after Rama died, I have requested Belic NOT to take a photo of it nor to post it here because it was for him, Princess, and Rama, to remember her by. May not have been my best work but it was the most I have never worked harder on a painting.
What you wrote and expressed in this drawing is more than words can say and Belic will probably say the same. What Tiberius has written says it all but you also convuey it well in the art, the happiness, the glow, and warmth of the season and of being loved. Really really good of you Keto.
What you wrote and expressed in this drawing is more than words can say and Belic will probably say the same. What Tiberius has written says it all but you also convuey it well in the art, the happiness, the glow, and warmth of the season and of being loved. Really really good of you Keto.
A heartfelt expression of warmth, family, and togetherness, both in your art and in Tiberius' words. It really put a smile on my face and a tear in my eye. These are feelings that can and should be felt year-round, but a little Christmas nudge never hurt anyone. ^^
Kudos to you both!
Kudos to you both!
I don't know how to describe this. Touching, really. Absolutely touching, and full of heart, and stunningly beautiful like most everything else I've seen from you.
You take such simple ideas, or such simple concepts, and turn them around into these subtly masterful pieces of art. Not only do you draw incredibly well, but you can communicate such passion and emotion with your work with so little. I mean, it's a bear and a dog and a stick. But, without even looking at the story, it's so much more.
I'm tempted to say the best part about this is that jar of fireflies. For me it sums up the atmosphere of sharing, of warmth, and of friendship. Not only does it shine a light on the two new friends, it puts into stark relief just how deep you go when you make a picture.
You take such simple ideas, or such simple concepts, and turn them around into these subtly masterful pieces of art. Not only do you draw incredibly well, but you can communicate such passion and emotion with your work with so little. I mean, it's a bear and a dog and a stick. But, without even looking at the story, it's so much more.
I'm tempted to say the best part about this is that jar of fireflies. For me it sums up the atmosphere of sharing, of warmth, and of friendship. Not only does it shine a light on the two new friends, it puts into stark relief just how deep you go when you make a picture.
I don't have words for this one. (o.o)
Your visuals and
tiberiusrings's brief story compliment each other PERFECTLY! \(^o^)/
(guess those count as words) x3
Your visuals and

(guess those count as words) x3
I gotta admit, the picture was a tad confusing until I read the story!
But that just made it all the more endearing in the end. :3
Though something did bother me about the imagery; the green grass blades poking out of the snow convey an "almost spring" kind of feel. Usually frosted grass is more pale yellow since the fall came and already took away its lustrous green color.
The shadows vs. fireflies light on the snow looks really pleasing, and you get a chilly feel from the bear's fogging breath powdering the air.
BTW. I'm probably crazy BUT: The style of the bear's fluffy ears and snout soooooo reminds me of Keihound.
But that just made it all the more endearing in the end. :3
Though something did bother me about the imagery; the green grass blades poking out of the snow convey an "almost spring" kind of feel. Usually frosted grass is more pale yellow since the fall came and already took away its lustrous green color.
The shadows vs. fireflies light on the snow looks really pleasing, and you get a chilly feel from the bear's fogging breath powdering the air.
BTW. I'm probably crazy BUT: The style of the bear's fluffy ears and snout soooooo reminds me of Keihound.
There is at least one thing missing here...
The first thing is the words to describe this. I'm not sure what to call it.. but it's a complete and utter what that word will end up being.
The title and the picture down't really go together as they are.. cause it really is much. From the warmth in the scene in the snow, the grass peeking up.. to the freaking little breath-puff infrota the bearnose! >.<
Also; as weird as it probably still sounds.. you draw the bestest noses ever. Not that the rest isn't awesome, just.. the noses *points*
And the breathpuff *nod*
But the little story next to it just makes it connect. And that connect is a real full contact one >.<
T both of you.. if I was wearing a hat, it'd be off. Simply brilliant.
And.. to counterweight my simpering sycophancy:
Of course everyone would like to trade places with the puppy. Bears rule! They'd get to be hugged by one!
Though I think the puppy likes just where he ended up too.. possibly without the events leading up to it.
This is just pure, distilled aww.
The first thing is the words to describe this. I'm not sure what to call it.. but it's a complete and utter what that word will end up being.
The title and the picture down't really go together as they are.. cause it really is much. From the warmth in the scene in the snow, the grass peeking up.. to the freaking little breath-puff infrota the bearnose! >.<
Also; as weird as it probably still sounds.. you draw the bestest noses ever. Not that the rest isn't awesome, just.. the noses *points*
And the breathpuff *nod*
But the little story next to it just makes it connect. And that connect is a real full contact one >.<
T both of you.. if I was wearing a hat, it'd be off. Simply brilliant.
And.. to counterweight my simpering sycophancy:
Of course everyone would like to trade places with the puppy. Bears rule! They'd get to be hugged by one!
Though I think the puppy likes just where he ended up too.. possibly without the events leading up to it.
This is just pure, distilled aww.
I may have been over a year since you posted this pic, but it's still a lovely peace. I can't wait to be like this with my mate. x3 Which brings up the question... Do you mind if I use your pose here, or if I could somehow get a commission from you sometime soon with my mate and I? ^3^ Either way would be wonderful :3
Hehehe, I appreciate people checking out the older art still.... Thanks a lot! I'm glad you like this piece :)
What exactly do you mean by "use your pose" here? In what way would you use it?
As far as commissions, I seriously appreciate you wanting one! But unfortunately, I'm not open for commission at the moment. :(
Whenever I AM open though, I announce it here on FA though through journals :)
What exactly do you mean by "use your pose" here? In what way would you use it?
As far as commissions, I seriously appreciate you wanting one! But unfortunately, I'm not open for commission at the moment. :(
Whenever I AM open though, I announce it here on FA though through journals :)