- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- only if you know how to you use him though
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What is ROBLOX? ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop, where people of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on ROBLOX is designed and constructed by members of the community. ROBLOX is designed for 8 to 18 year olds, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore ROBLOX - interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything - be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yettobedreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, ROBLOX members can earn specialty badges as well as ROBLOX dollars (“ROBUX”). In turn, they can shop the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms.
There are 2 scenarios when using clone.
1. The killer falls for the clone.
2. The killer has the eyes of an eagle, spots you and you either die or are left with 1 hp.
3. The killer ignores your and clone's existence and it dies of old age after 10 seconds.
4. You attempt to try to block the killer with your clone but it fails and you die
@@camcam7551it always happens with John doe
@@lipeanimadoI had a stroke reading that 🙏
@@Cool_guy211it ain't even that bad
I got 007n7 as like my third survivor (after Elliot) PURELY because he has a spy skin. Then I realised his power. AND I BECAME SPY, DESTROYER OF EGO’S.
I aimed to get it when I first joined the game, and I didn't even know anything about forsaken
same broooo
I got 007n7 as my 3rd character too, yet I still haven’t bought Elliot….
@ He was my first character ever bought and my first lvl 100
“Fell for it again award” core survivor
The even more op thing about 007 is that John Doe and 1x have global sound cues for their survivor highlight abilities, so you can clone the moment you hear them and since the sound cue plays before the ability is actually does its thing they just CANT SEE YOU
John doe plays such a small sound cues that if he is cross map u can't hear I unless it's demo. King
I abuse that a lot in lms and I just chill in a hiding spot and win lmfao
Nah, the instant the sound cue plays they can see people meaning even if you use a clone they will know in what area you are
@@tjehsus4131 This only works against kids tho
John doe has sound cue about 200 studs not global.
thats why i love playing 7n7. Either you can make the killer waste an m1, sacrifice a clone into a finisher, all while being a child's dad
you can also waste digital footprint.
@@CugbalerJohn Doe still get speed 1 bro
I shielded myself with a clone so the killer hits the clone and not me when i was at low hp (the killer wasnt fooled about it)
you can also get killed with it (clones are NOT working with my min maxxing display brightness max and graphic 3)
@@Cugbaler it's not a full waste of a footprint because you still give john the speed boost and it tells john that it's a clone, still incredibly useful for stopping traps though
A really nice tech that 007n7 has is that during LMS when your aura is revealed you can do the same trick as Noob by using your clone. Since it gives you undetectable for 4s and LMS aura lasts for 5s you can make the killer not know where you are allowing you to tp a little later since the killer will run around the whole map looking for you
Btw I've played the game for almost three days have level 75 on 007n7 but idk how the lms aura reveal works like is it only revealed in the first second so if I'm invisible when last person dies they cant see my aura or for the 4 seconds of undetectable I'm invisible but the last second they see me
@@carlosdearden to my knowledge it works like this: if you’re invisible when LMS starts, you don’t get highlighted at all. if you don’t use the clone preemptively they can see you for the full highlight, even if you use it.
@@carlosdearden it's revealed shortly after the game registers you as last man, so it's best to use clone just before they die [see the timer go up by 30s or their hp drops to 0%]
@@yellowthere3985I just tested this with Jason’s raging pace, and it didn’t show for the whole time, even once undetectable ran out
Maybe it’s different for LMS but idk
If only the killer has a detected moves like Jason John and 1x4
Throughout my encounters with n7 mains, female or male they all have two things in common:
1.absolutely destroys egos and are absolutely gods at juking and cloning manipulation
2.most scary villainous laugh knowb to man(especially girls laugh, that shi HAUNTS me bro😭)
Im both, i literally made two ragebaiter / toxic people ragequit by crumbling their ankles into dust
5:20, it doesn’t show you because “undetectable” not invisible, but they commonly come together so ehh, simple to mix them together.
10:46 "Tag! You're it!" Ahh clone
Hiding is alot more efficient than people may think, thats why i main noob, you can litteraly win last man standing while standing still with noob and 007n7, they're invisibility abilities are op
Yeah people really underestimate noob ghost burger. I have noob iv and if you get a good hiding spot, the killer will just spend the whole round searching for you.
Pro tip my blud: use bloxy cola when you sense your slateskin is low
The only problem with this is an Elliot running up to you and spamming emotes until the killer drops by and kills you both :sob:
7:09 fun fact: some mountains and hills in forsaken have conveyor belt physics/function so you just slide off of ones like that
theres also that hill in the ninja academy map (or whatever it was called) that slides you the wrong way, sending you sideways towards the wrong end of the hill
I'm so glad more ppl are saying that 007n7 is good, I seen some ppl saying that 007n7 is bad when they are mostly don't know how to play as him, there a reason why he's a 4 star difficulty.
7n7 was entirely reliant on the killer throwing but with the insane buffs he is much easier to use and arguably the best survivor in the game now due to him being able to hide and use clones to permanently be immune to aura reveal
7n7 is not just good hes op 💔
007 was bad, then he got buffed. The peopler saying that probably didnt know the buff or was before the buff
@ he was NOT bad before the buff 💔
@@DanExMachine As someone who got him to max pre-buff, he was great.
Here are some tips when fighting against a 007n7:
1) Usually when hitting a survivor, they gain a small adrenaline boost that gives them a small speed boost. This however does not apply to clones, making them easier to detect.
2) Always pre attack at corners. 007n7s will sometimes try to loop you at corners.
3) Use the stamina wasting method to find him, run around the map until you start losing stamina, this will help you find the 007n7.
Bro what the hell does 3) mean lmao
@@babyg220killers don't lose stamina while running if a survivor isnt nearby
@@babyg220 he just explained it. You don’t drain stamina if your not near any survivor so in lms you can get a general idea of where the 07 is by searching locations and seeing if your stamina drains or not to find them.
@@georgeie1544 I wouldn’t call it the “stamina wasting method” but ok. Thought everybody already did this by default, wouldn’t call it a method either
@@babyg220 Whatever the OC said is beyond my control. You asked a question, and I answered it.
it is easy to predict when and where a 007n7 is teleporting, so you can go to where they would teleport to. the only problem with this is that 007n7 teleport cancel glitch.
Some people dont know about it, it's not so easy to think about emote could stop a move. Every 15+ lv 007n7 player knows it though
Not anymore! They patched it :(
Yo smiling I noticed you went from The Mimic to Pressure to Forsaken content. What a change
And half of the games owners gave up like the forsaken owner is having a break
Let bro upload what he wants ;-;
6:13 a tech i've seen a lot of 007n7s doing is using the clone to set off the trap so that the passage can be re-opened
This is bad if the Doe is chasing someone as you just give him speed 1, and he'll probably catch up to whoever he's chasing
Source: Doe Main who's killed multiple elliots because of this
@@shalax7881then we should do it when we know that the Doe isn’t chasing anyone!
@@shalax7881facts, ima doe main and some guy trapped himself in the brown fence area in the winter map. I placed a trap so he couldn’t get out. He used a clone to get rid of it. I killed him because of the speed boost
0:22 watch this watch this watch this, ✨️✨️✨️EEEEEUUUUUU✨️✨️✨️
1 tip, I really recommend using cursor because the killer might know it’s a clone
2, sometimes it’s great to pretend to be a clone (most of the time it works)
How do I control the clone with my finger bro
Mobile dosent suck its the computer sided game
@God_l0v3sy0u It doesn't go to your finger it goes to the middle of your screen.
@@God_l0v3sy0uit goes to where you click
12:00 "As we can see there's a jason that's a little bit confused- OH OOU-"
This is the character that can do the most mischief
two time
@@Ishmaelsquid His abilities restrain him tho
@ two time in itself is not scary, the people playing are
@ yes
chance firing squad
2:37 "1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x" real
1 eggs
1x chain
1 EGGS🗣️🔥 1 EGGS🗣️🔥 1 EGGS🗣️🔥 1 EGGS🗣️🔥
Overpowered until you go against a smart killer.
1:17 "well it all lies within his abilities" wow i did not know that thank you truly
6:34 bro has his sons laugh
Oh yeah, you’re right. It sounds just like his sons
As a 7n7 main, it's really nice to see someone stand up for my goat.
3min ago no views? Well im early also at 6:25 that john doe must've had too much caffeine
What i love about him is that you can add a whole new layer of tomfoolery by pretending to be a clone
ITS FROMвидео.htmlsi=u_zd9xTx9WYzrihM
"as you can see we have a little jason that is con- HOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"got me laughing so hard
theres a funny thing you can do with 007 which you prob do by accident a lot, if you have around 20 hp or below your clone gets oneshot, forcing the killer to go into their kill animation, and you can just get away scot free
Release the Shedletsky, John Doe.
I'm not entirely sure how some people are just so blind with seeing the 007. You know their abilities, and it's very simple to predict lol. But it is indeed funny when they fall for it. W video
here’s a really useful thing that Idk people don’t know, hiding behind slightly transparent walls like the red walls in voss makes you completely invisible when you are using any invisibility moves
It’s not a thing that the game included rather its a Roblox Engine thing
Whenever I’m the killer against an 07, they’re either the most stealthy player I’d ever come across, or they drop a clone when I’m three feet away from them.
14:53 his name was originally pronounced "one by one" in his original myth because it was believed to be a group of hackers
Bro abandoned pressure just like me, i’ll miss pressure but jesus. Forsaken took over me
Hes waiting for next update i think
"as we can see, we have a jason thats uhh little confused- WUOH-"
*-SmilingFigure 2025*
i love how he was playing pressure back then now he plays forsaken
Same fandoms lol
Still think Elliot is the best considering if there’s a group at the final three survivors they can just heal themselves, that’s why I always go for them first.
“As we can see we have a Jason that’s a little confused-“
*moments before disaster*
8:33 i feel you bro...
1:08 vision
Edit : thanks for the 8 likes
slap battles person here
Vision! *builder egg appears*
Oh and a tip for the killers, if u use a move that shows the survivor's aura, using it on a clone, centry or dispenser will give it a white highlight while for survivors its yellow, this can be used for clones because there aura is white.
One absolutely broken thing I use to spot 007n7 clones is by hitting the n7, then checking if the player icon took damage or not, this helps me know if its real or a clone.
As an Xbox player, people do not run into walls unless they have major stick drift. Stick drift also makes me lose it sometimes doing generators, but never have I ever ran into a wall for a hot 2 seconds
using clone is always risk because you get slowness for a bit after it.and almost every killer (except new guys) knows that you have clones and will predict you using it.
Loving the new look dude. I think you should have a whole rebrand!
you can basically cheat lms by cloning as soon as the 2nd survivor dies, due to undetectable effect
i've lost too many LMS's just running around the map as mafioso looking for 007. 007 is a top kill priority
the scream got me dying🤣12:03
Fun fact: If you use the shift lock, your clone will go straight in the direction you are looking, not where you are looking, but straight at the same angle. Example: If I leave the mouse in one place, it will go to that same place. Now, if I activate the shift lock, it will go straight without stopping. To turn it, you will have to turn your character's camera as if it were where the clone is.
Also guys good way to counter a 007n7 is if they clone and they are the only one you’re chasing the music will stop so if you get closer to the clone yk its not real
12:01 “as we can see we have a jason thats a little confused NOOOO-“
Fun fact: 007n7 clone can be use to clear the digital footprint (most likely killer will follow the clone who step on the trap because most of killer think clone can activate the trap) and if you see John Doe try to trap you with spikes move thing (i forgot the name) on the part to block your way to run you can just tp away (like on dojo house or the glasshouse map) last you can use your clone to lure the range attack like the spikes move thing form John Doe (you can combo the tp trick as well)
2:04 *Megalovania starts playing*
that soccer legend 1x1 might actually be going insane
Nice to meet ya! I was the Barlei/Dima_shkolanomer27/Guest here 12:05
it was fun to play with you! I wonder if we'll play again anytime soon lol
I'll sub and watch ur vids from now on!
18:11 i actually was helpful! I just used my pizza up already,at the house thing,and that saved the guy,but unfortunately, I can't just minigun the pizza,it has a cd💔🙏🏻😭
Yeah overall the vid's quality is so good and you play very well so i hope we play again! Also,i took an ss of u,so I'm happy with that :D
The one thing that new players always have a problem with 007 is that they waste their teleport, either they spam it to just randomly move across the map, or the try to teleport when the killer is right next to him. Teleports should be used sparingly and situationally (took me a few matches to learn this 😭)
The only issue I seem to have with 7n7 is that after the first round of that person being killer, they already know when you'd use your clones and somehow switch eyes with an eagle
*new player kills a player*
Usually when I play 7n7 in LMS I run to the furthest part of the map from the person abt to die and the killer, once the person dies I spit out a clone for undetectable and as soon as I can I teleport, so far this has won me most rounds (and is most effective against c00lkid since he doesn’t have a detection ability.)
best way to avoid child support
Love when ts guy uploads
“love when this shit guy uploads”
love when this fucking ASS guy uploads
@@ObjectIsCool ts pmo istg icl, vro.
@@ObjectIsCool "this"
@@TaidumXD ts means this shit, not this
I have one survivor (not counting noob) and its chance at level 43 (I literally only got him for the ultrakill skin)
Honestly, you really need to make a guide on how to use 007n7 correctly (it would be very helpful for me) because I have no idea how, when, or where to use the abilities (my main is Builderman, don't judge me). The only thing I managed to understand from watching the video: ALWAYS use the clones on pathfinding and when crossing corners or walls.
14:23 "Okay run run run. He's gonna... HE'S GONNA" *gorilla noises*
something u can do is if you're being chased,u can can follow the clone then run towards the kille while clone moves away, they might think ur a clone since it looks like ur using cursor to throw it at them
Fun fact you can gamble if you use cool gui randomly you can gamble if the killer is there or not
Tip: Sometimes if the killer is a pro and they don't fall for the clone, I pretend to be a clone by running into walls. I only do it after observating the killers reaction to me using my clones :3
I main 007 and I bought him first. But here's the thing the pros keep killing me and they can see me while I'm invisible.
I got Shed because he had a Nashatra skin which I bought since I started to get into Dream Game. The only good thing is I can die to Mafioso as her if I’m unlucky in a match.
7n7 clones can actually be used to tank walkspeed override or or gashing wound if Times perfectly which is Op in my opinion
7:00 I’m sorry but as a shedledsky main hitting a John Doe with stun is a death waiting to happen
sometimes you can act like a clone as well by ramming into the wall.. (does NOT work with new players cuz these killers hit what they see) but I do NOT recommending this. For higher chance of surviving as a 7n7, you should loop a killer around the wall or a place and eventually use your clone while running back
"what you've learned in acting class" type of risk
(my favorite strategy)
If u want to know if its a clone or not, use ability that can see every visible survivor or hit the clone 1 time and look at the survivor hp on the left down corner on the screen (only if u close to them) use ranged ability if they are far
I used a clone directly infront of the killer one time to just use it as a meatshield but he actually fell for it which I didn't expect in the slightest since he had a day playtime
3:00 Those who watched his last video knows why he said that..
Me, being a John Doe main and being named Johnathan: “Yeah? What is it?”
In game 3(8:30)
that was my friend and he did get way better(i told him to get c00lkid but he got 1x1x1x1)
Edit: I know it was him by how he moved
To be honest i kinda keep saving 007n7 last and sometimes winning and sometimes losing. And thres a problem when a 007n7 if I'm killer
I dont not fall for tricks so easily i can see them when they use clone and especially when they clone behind a wall ill sometimes Chase the clone
Thinking it was the real one. And sometimes i see the real one running away.
"is this guy real by chance?"
is a actually crazy sentance
tbh when im playing as killer against oo7 my main priority becomes not to get tricked by clones (so instead i fail because i get distracted and do bad stamina management 🙏)
As a Xbox player, this guy is just goofy 8:56
12:03 "as we can see we have a jason that's aaa little confused, ŒŒŒŒ"
I usually pretend to be a clone so that most experienced players will look for "me" wnd i actually escape since i actually didn't have the ability yet
12:49 "Audio recording by Jonathan Doe, Head Tester of the Roblox HQ"
Pretending to be a clone is quite useful and would work 50/50
you can just act as an aimless clone that would work so well
Idea for a pressure run: EL GOBLINO
basically, "if you will do this run" you collect every asset, every item (exept the rare ones like the necrobloxicon and the gummy light) in one run.
This character is so obnoxious and i love him for that
1:05 "но я вижил" the best part of this video
about video.... DAMN, YEAH. Always, when there was 007n7 at the very end, i was a disgrace...
Skibidi up its time to skedaddle 🤑
2:03 One of the reasons 007n7 got a sans skin:
I’m so glad sf finally played forsaken
i love how 007n7 clone can act as a sheild against coolkids walkspeed override
The only reason I think 7n7 is bad is purely because everything in the game works against the clones (on release they were blatantly obvious, then people found out player collision pill didn't exist on the clone, and now after all this the clone causes chase themes to stop playing so you know exactly when they went invisible)
Hopefully they fix his issues because he is fun, can't be that hard to keep the chase theme playing on clone use.
"those who know" ahh thumbnail 😭😭
18:38 "HOW?" BRO
3:07 why bro acting like it hurt irl 😭🙏
ngl they should make an option to not go invisible to confuse the killer cuz pro killers can just tell which one is the real one or clone (itd be a bit overpowered fr)
Ever since the buffs, 007n7 is SO OP, and possible the BEST survivor out of all of them. Since cloning gives Undetectable, you can hide from: 404 ERROR, since it has a 20 second cooldown, with Clone having the same cooldown as Unstable Eye, Jason having a 38 second cooldown for Raging Pace, his only highlight move, and c00lkidd having to rely on his Minions (Minions can't see and attack you when you, and your aura isn't highlighted with the Undetectable effect active). He also has c00lgui, allowing him to escape easily, be it in LMS or when the killer loses you during a chase.
I'm on my knees begging Soul to nerf 007n7
He is not the best survivor. He can't beat Noob, Shed or Guest in lms
Get good
@@Jam-o1b If you lose sight of a 7n7 it's literally over since he can use Clone to get the undetectable effect to hide from any aura highlighting move.
“In LMS you can just teleport across the map without the killer noticing.”
John Doe players who actually know to save his wall hacks until LMS: “your primitive tricks are no use against my superior intellect.”